Peace Officers Memorial Day Remembrance

May 15th marks Peace Officers Memorial Day. As we reflect on what this special day and what it means to be a police officer, Business Agent Tom Scherer penned this message to share what it means to him. Read more.

Tom Scherer’s Note

Thomas Scherer | Peace Officers Memorial Day Post

My phone reminded me I should’ve caught a plane back from Washington D.C. today, May 15th. Today also represents (Police) Peace Officers Memorial Day. But that trip never took place this year.

We may not be in Washington D.C. attending the various events or enjoying the company of the numerous law enforcement officers from across the county, but we can still seize the meaning of the day. Take time to remember those who we have known and those whose names we only know from the memorial itself who have fallen in the service of their communities. 

I have had the great fortune to have attended the event when President George H. Bush gave his speech in front of the Police Officers Memorial site, and at which event a thin blue line shown skyward to illuminated the night sky. That light still shines in each of us as we remember those whom we have lost and those that we have served within the cause for which we all have devoted our lives.

I proudly remember the honor of standing vigil next to the wreath at the memorial as part of the Clinton Township Honor Guard unit. I am sure each of you also has a memory of attending. Although we can not participate in person at the memorial, we can reflect on the meaning of the day and those we have lost. Remember to take time today to reflect and know the sacrifices of the past, those of the present, and future are beyond our control and trust in God to ease our pain, anxiety, and to strengthen us for the trials ahead.

Let Us Know

How are you paying your respects today on Peace Officers Memorial Day? Let us know on our social media channels.


One response to “Remembering Officers On Peace Officers Memorial Day

Posted by Harry Valentine

Thanks Tom.

Posted on May 15, 2024 at 8:10 PM

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