Donald J. Trump recently sent a heartfelt message to the Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM) Annual Convention, where the 2024 Police Officers of the Year were honored. In his video address, Trump congratulated the award recipients and discussed the critical challenges facing law enforcement officers in Michigan. His message underscored his deep appreciation for POAM’s endorsement and commitment to supporting all Michigan law enforcement. [View below or on YouTube]






POAM Endorses Donald Trump for 2024 Presidential Election


BP Union - POAM Response

In a notable move, the Police Officers Association of Michigan has again endorsed Donald Trump for the presidential election, marking their continued support since their first endorsement in 2016. This endorsement comes at a crucial time when the political landscape is rapidly changing, and the safety and security of communities are paramount. POAM President Jim Tignanelli proudly announced the endorsement, reflecting the organization’s careful consideration of the leadership qualities needed to address the nation’s challenges.

The endorsement comes amidst recent significant political endorsements and POAM’s appearance with Fox & Friends. U.S. Senate candidate Mike Rogers, Congressman John Moolenar, POAM President Jim Tignanelli, Congressman John James, and Congressman General Jack Bergman gathered in Grand Rapids, MI, underscoring a unified front in supporting Michigan law enforcement and public safety.

POAM’s Third Endorsement for Donald J. Trump

This marks the third time POAM has endorsed Donald Trump, recognizing his consistent support for law enforcement throughout his career. Trump’s administration has been noted for its policies that bolster public safety and provide essential resources to police departments nationwide.

Track Record of Respect & Support for Law Enforcement

During his presidency, Trump advocated for increased funding for police departments and championed initiatives targeting crime reduction. His administration’s efforts to honor fallen officers, prioritize mental health support for law enforcement, and provide resources for first responders highlight his genuine concern for those on the front lines.

Restoring Law and Order

In his message, Trump emphasized his commitment to restoring law and order. He spoke about the need to indemnify police officers, allowing them to “do their jobs without fear of unwarranted repercussions.” Trump stressed the importance of giving law enforcement officers the dignity, protection, and respect they deserve once again.

Securing the Border

Another key point in Trump’s message was his plan to secure the border and address migrant crime. He proposed the creation of a task force specifically focused on tackling crimes committed by migrants, aiming to enhance national security and public safety.

POAM Fox and FriendsDeath Penalty for Killing Law Enforcement Officers

Trump also declared his intention to ask Congress to pass a mandate for the death penalty for anyone convicted of killing a law enforcement officer in the United States. This strong stance reflects his commitment to safeguarding the lives of those who protect the nation.

Commitment to Law Enforcement

Trump’s unwavering support for law enforcement has earned him respect among police officers nationwide. His administration consistently condemned violence and unrest, standing firmly with law enforcement during times of crisis. Trump’s dedication to restoring order and upholding the rule of law has been a cornerstone of his political career.

 POAM’s Vote for a Change

With over 50 years of experience in policing and frontline service, the Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM) deeply understands the challenges officers face. We have heard firsthand from officers about their needs and department leaders about recruitment difficulties, and we have witnessed the impact of ongoing training and public perception, particularly in the wake of the “defund the police” movement and nationwide attacks on law enforcement.

Despite these challenges, we feel the current administration is doing little, if anything, that is not politically motivated to “protect the protectors” and ensure greater border security for our nation, including Michigan’s international border with Canada. Given this context, POAM believes Donald Trump is the best candidate to lead the nation forward. His commitment to public safety, support for law enforcement, and dedication to upholding American values make him the clear choice for the 2024 Presidential Election.

A Message of Gratitude and Hope

In his video, Trump expressed gratitude for POAM’s endorsement and his honor at being supported by Michigan’s police officers. He congratulated the 2024 Police Officers of the Year and acknowledged their daily challenges and dangers. Trump’s message was solidarity and hope, promising to continue advocating for policies that protect and empower law enforcement officers in Michigan.

The Police Officers Association of Michigan’s endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President highlights a significant alignment between the organization’s values and Trump’s vision for law enforcement. With a proven track record of support, Trump’s message to the POAM 2024 Annual Convention reaffirms his commitment to restoring law and order, protecting police officers, and ensuring the safety and security of communities nationwide.

POAM proudly stands behind President Trump, confident in his ability to lead and support those who serve on the front lines in Michigan.