SOS POAM License Plate

POAM President Jim Tignanelli shares information about the POAM license plate and how members can get one today for their vehicles. Read more.

I realized this past week that our professional registration plate, better known as the POAM License Plate, has been available for more than twenty years. With that being said, I’m certain there are many of our members that are unaware of how easy it is to obtain.

Part of what we wanted to guard against was non-members having one on their vehicle. It seemed simple enough. When the SOS asked me for a copy of our “membership card,” I told her we do not issue them. I heard too many stories about “associate members” that some professional groups get dues from. We don’t do that here. Buying an ad from our media does not make you an “associate member!”

To get a POAM license plate, you must have a letter on our letterhead signed by me assuring you are a member of good standing. We produce and copy it in our office in the name of the member after our staff confirms the membership is current and valid.

We are proud to know of the many members who display it proudly! To obtain the plate, there is a one-time $25.00 fee to pay to the SOS when you renew your plate. You’ll also need our branded letter and a completed form that’s available from the Secretary of State.

Think about it! If you’re interested, fill out the form below to expedite the internal process, or contact our front desk or your business agent for more information.

– Jim Tignanelli, POAM President

License Plate Interest Form

Before filling out this form, remember you MUST be a current member in good standing to receive the POAM plate.

All other requests will be denied.

    You must be a current member in good standing to receive this plate.

Related Post: Download the POAM Mobile App 

One response to “Get Your POAM License Plate Today

Posted by Douglas Rood

Picked up a letter from Tom Funke on 01/20/2023 at the office. Worked for City of Livonia Police from July 28 1970 until June 3 1998 when I retired

Posted on January 23, 2023 at 10:28 AM

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