POAM Summer Letter

A couple of topics worth examining as we head into summer! The annual meeting, our Defender Mobility Foundation, Signed and Sealed agreements, and election of political candidates.

2024 Annual Convention

The POAM Annual Convention, which features our recognition of heroic acts by our members during the calendar year 2023, took place May 22nd-24th at the Amway Grand Hotel in Grand Rapids. Photos and narratives of those events are on the home page and on the POAM app. So proud of the jobs all of you do and so grateful you choose POAM/COAM for your protection on the job. If you haven’t already, download the POAM app. Instructions are on the bottom of our home page at POAM.net. If you register your department email address, you will get regular “push notifications” as well as the entire web page on your phone or tablet!

This year’s meeting included our Wednesday seminar, which featured Josh Vadell. Josh was an Atlantic City (NJ) police officer who was seriously injured while on the job. His story was a very compelling one and told with such emotion that the room sat silently for the entire presentation. Dr. Ali Amirsadri from Frontline Strong followed Josh with a presentation that served to alert those present of things to do and watch out for after critical incidents.

That evening, the POAM Poker Run had nearly 200 participants vying for the big cash prizes that came out after a night of laughter and camaraderie.

Our business meeting (which was fed live through Facebook!) had eight special events presented by our special presenters, who included former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Robert Young, District Judges Mike Brown and Amanda Eicher, Circuit Judge George Mertz, Senate candidate Mike Rogers, and the host of the Tudor Dixon Podcast, former gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon.

The opening ceremony included the presentation of colors by the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard, the Metro Detroit Police-Fire Pipes and Drums, and Denise Bach with a beautiful rendition of our National Anthem. The goal is to make it a special and memorable event for the recipients and their families and friends, and this year’s opening provided that memory. 

The Thursday night “Let’s have some fun” party was great! Over 250 people took part in great food, drink, and Karaoke. 

Just a note that a survey went out to all of those who had registered with an email address this year. Lots of positive and helpful comments coming in. Hope you participated!

The golf outing on Friday morning was one of the best in memory. Great weather always helps! Plans for next year will begin in the next thirty days. Fill out those surveys!

Defender Mobility

Our Defender Mobility Foundation, now in its 11th year, will deliver at least three Trac Fab off-road wheelchairs in 2024. One has been delivered, and two others are currently being prepared for transport. Thanks to the generous donations from so many of our friends and local organizations! These chairs cost approximately $15,000 each, and we will have delivered 53 chairs in those eleven years! Your generosity has provided FREEDOM to those who fought for ours. Worth noting is that the Patriot Fund, Inc., gave a generous donation this year too! When you are looking for a responsible charitable organization, read up on the Patriot Fund, Inc. Good friends to POAM and Defender Mobility!

Signed and Sealed Agreements

While checking POAM.net or your app, look at the “Signed and Sealed” contracts that are featured. The “revolving door” most departments have experienced in the past is leading to some more aggressive agreements. Wages are up, lateral entries are becoming popular, and, most importantly, the defined benefit pension is back on the table! POAM is growing each year, thanks to those of you who tell your friends that you’re satisfied with the services and resources that POAM offers. Thank you.

2024 Presidential Election

Please start reviewing the candidates for public office that will be coming this fall! All federal congressional candidates and one Michigan senator will be on the ballot as well as all state representatives and several state senators! These people can control your destiny. These elections should be of utmost importance to all of you! Some would say that federal elections are less important than what our members do. That is NOT true anymore. The open borders are allowing millions of undocumented persons into our country. Many would not be allowed through the usual ports of entry. This does not include the 2 million “got aways” (estimated). Watch the news, surf the web, listen to the radio! No bond arrests are happening everywhere. Officers are getting assaulted at a record pace with no consequences to the perpetrators.

Worth mentioning is that a recent federal bill (HR7343) is a law that provides that law enforcement “Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens who Assault Cops and First Responders.” While this did pass on a bi-partisan vote (265-148), four Michigan congressional reps, all from southeastern Michigan, voted against this bill!

You’ve read this correctly; all voted against a bill that would have caused the detention of an Illegal Alien who assaults the police or first responder!

  • Debbie Dingell (MI 6th)
  • Haley Stevens (MI 11th)
  • Rashid Tlaib (MI 12th)
  • Shri Thanedar (MI 13th)

They all love the police at election time. This bill should be foremost on your mind when you vote this year.

Mike Rogers, long a friend of the POAM, is running for the seat vacated by Senator Stabenow. This seat would be very capably filled by Mike. Please consider him when you vote.

Let’s Vote this November

There are two candidates for president this year, and both have served as president of the United States. This is unique in the past 100-plus years. You have real records to look at. One built 540 miles of wall and had illegal entries down to a few hundred thousand. One stopped that construction and opened the border to millions. Study the candidates. Don’t forget to vote. This is not a “partisan” decision. POAM supports candidates who support our members. May as well mention we endorsed Dingell in the past. See how that worked out. Study the facts in all the races.

Most importantly, vote.

– JT