Mike Rogers for Michigan Senate

Updated on July 1, 2024: Absentee ballots are out. In these unusual times, it is important to have you and your family vote for Mike Rogers for the United States Senate. Mike Rogers will have the back of law enforcement, no matter what party controls what branch of government.

Vote in the Republican primary for Mike Rogers for United States Senate.

Updated on February 2, 2024: Mike Rogers has consistently demonstrated his strong backing for law enforcement officers, wholeheartedly endorsing and aligning himself with our mission and values. His steadfast commitment to our officers and the integral work we do underscores his genuine understanding of the challenges and responsibilities that come with maintaining public safety. You can view his campaign video below.

On Friday, September 15, 2023, the Police Officers Association of Michigan officially endorsed Mike Rogers for Senate for the 2024 election year. As a long-time friend and supporter of the union, Rogers is aligned with Michigan law enforcement and their challenges; he’s ready to “fight to get government out of the way, unleash American innovation, and take common sense back to Washington.

POAM President Jim Tignanelli shaking Mike Rogers hand

Background on the candidate

Rogers’ background is extensive, as he has served as a State Senator and a State Representative. Learn more from his bio below.

As a State Senator, Mike worked to help families stay safe and succeed. He wrote the legislation that created Michigan’s 529 College Savings Program, helping families save for their children’s education. Mike also fought to reduce burdensome regulations that were harming our small businesses and worked with law enforcement to get them the new tools they needed to take down child predators.

In 2000, Mike ran to represent Michigan in Congress, defeating his Democrat opponent in the closest race in the country that year. In Congress, Mike worked to eliminate federal taxes on education savings plans and passed legislation to help low-income families receive healthcare. Mike also authored the Respect for Fallen Heroes Act, which made protesting on federal land while families were burying service members who made the ultimate sacrifice a federal crime.

On the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Mike worked to secure our nations’ energy independence and unleash American made energy by reducing the regulations and tax burdens on American families and small businesses.

Mike made his greatest mark in Congress through his service as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He was among the first to sound the alarm on the economic and national security danger posed by China. Mike also fought Chinese efforts to steal American intellectual property, particularly working to protect Michigan’s auto industry.

In 2015, Mike entered the private sector, creating a business where he became a champion for American innovation, passionately helping the small businesses that are the backbone of our economy. Mike is also passionate about the field of cyber security, working with companies large and small to protect their data from criminals and bad-acting countries like China.

Source: Mike Rogers for Senate

Video Transcript

See the transcript below for the sound for the video.

Jim Tignanelli

Police Officer Association of Michigan. I’ve been a friend of Mike’s for decades now. It goes back to the early 2000s for me, right after 9/11, when he helped me to get, uh, inside of Walter Reed Memorial Medical Center to deliver some packages to, uh, disabled veterans. And, uh, Mike has always been there when we called.

He was a friend of the police. Uh, he recognizes that being 4,000 short on law enforcement in the state of Michigan is not a way to attract people to move here and invest here. And raise their children here. So we wish him the best. We’re hoping that we will win. We do. And we’re we’re glad to call him our friend.

Mike Rogers

Thanks. Yeah. Thank you. Thanks, guys. I have to tell you how much this means to me: somebody who served in law enforcement myself. And when you look at the challenges today by Michigan’s police officers, it’s immense. Everything is working against them. We need to change that. If we want a safer community and to make sure that you don’t have to worry about it when you go to bed at night, we need more of them, uh, and we need to back them.

If you think about the crime in the state of Michigan, there is a 22 percent increase in murders in the last five years, a 50 percent increase in cars, uh, car thefts, 20, and about 12 percent in aggravated assault. And you can see where that can go at the carjacking in Monroe that ended up in the murder, uh, of a Michigan citizen.

It is getting dangerous. We don’t need fewer police officers. We need more. And they need our support. I will be happy in the United States Senate as your next senator to be in the fight to help these folks get the tools and resources they need to keep our community safe. I can’t tell you again how honored I am to have the Police Officers Association of Michigan stand behind me and see if we can’t make Michigan a lot safer in the years to come.

Moving Michigan Law Enforcement Forward

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