POAM applauds and honors our officers committed to upholding their sworn duty to protect their communities – and fellow officers. In this incident, Officer Jonathon Beyerlein was a rifleman serving a high-risk search warrant when he spotted a male suspect — in the dark — pointing a gun at a fellow police officer.

Serving a High-Risk Narcotics Search Warrant

In August 2021, Saginaw Police officers were tasked with serving a high-risk narcotics search warrant. Suspects were known gang members who’d recently been engaging in shootouts with rival gang members. The day before this warrant was to be served, a controlled drug sale had occurred, after which a suspect had been spotted walking out of a monitored residence with a weapon. Knowing about the presence of firearms and that the suspects would be on high alert, the danger posed in serving this warrant called for Saginaw’s most experienced officers and its best decision-makers to be on the scene and first to enter the residence.

Saginaw City Police Officers Association's Officer Jonathon Beyerlein | Police Officer of the Year Awards - May 2023 | POAM
POAM President Jim Tignanelli, Saginaw City Police Officer Jonathon Beyerlein, and POAM Executive Board member Steve Sellers

Details of the Incident

While entering the dark residence upon serving the warrant, Officer Beyerlein immediately observed a male suspect lying on the floor with a pistol aimed at another officer. His dedication to fellow officers, heightened surveillance senses, and situational processing skills helped him act swiftly, stopping the threat posed to other officers.

Officer Beyerlein’s fast assessment of the threat and his quick-thinking actions in this situation saved the life of the first officer who entered the residence but didn’t see the suspect and saved the lives of his fellow officers as well. His decision-making during this situation was exceptional, and he speaks to the type of officer and operator he is. To this day, the City of Saginaw Police Department is thankful he was able to process that situation before a serious threat to a fellow operator. 

About Officer Jon Beyerlein

Officer Beyerlein became a member of the Saginaw Police Department in 2009. He is highly respected in the department and has led the Emergency Services Team for the last ten years. His positive attitude is contagious, and he never turns away a fellow officer — he always makes time, whether officers want to talk about personal or professional matters.

He was recently promoted to sergeant for his impeccable decision-making, good intentions, and genuine interest in his fellow officers, which fosters a special camaraderie on both a personal and a professional level. 

For his quick-thinking situational assessments, loyalty to his community, and fearlessly putting the lives of fellow officers before his own, Sergeant Jonathon Beyerlein is one of the Police Officer of the Year Award recipients. Sergeant Beyerlein, for your quick thinking and brave actions in the line of duty, loyalty to fellow officers, and overall exceptional police work, the Police Officers Association of Michigan presents you with the 2023 Police Officer of the Year Award.

One response to “2023 P.O. of The Year: Officer Jonathon Beyerlein

Posted by Jenny Deweese

I agree with all of these positive comments! Officer Beyerlein is an excellent example of what a police officer should be.

Posted on April 30, 2024 at 7:18 PM

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