This afternoon, we are paying tribute to Jackson County Deputy Sheriff’s Association’s Deputies Christopher Davis and Theodore Breijak for their decisive actions in a critical incident on July 30, 2023.

Jackson County DSA’s Deputies Christopher Davis and Theodore Breijak

Deputy Christopher Davis at the 2024 Annual Convention
Deputy Christopher Davis at the 2024 Annual Convention

Earlier that day, a violent crime occurred, the homicide of a mother. Her son was identified as the suspect, left the scene, and later returned, initiating a confrontation with law enforcement.

Upon his return, the suspect aggressively drove his vehicle into the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office’s patrol cars and emerged from his vehicle armed with a hammer and a knife, posing a direct threat to the officers present. Within a moment of arriving on the scene, the suspect launched the hammer at the deputies. Deputies Davis and Breijak were forced to quickly assess the threat and respond to ensure the safety of those around them, disarming the suspect before he could put more lives in danger, including their own.

The scene was complex, involving multiple vehicles and evident signs of the confrontation. It was clear from the outset that the situation was dangerous and required a timely response. Evidence collected at the scene included the damaged vehicles, weapons, and other items that helped piece together the events.

Deputy Theodore Breijak at the 2024 Annual Convention
Deputy Theodore Breijak at the 2024 Annual Convention.

An administrative review of the actions taken by Deputy Davis and Deputy Breijak confirms they were in a difficult position, making quick decisions under pressure. Their response aligned with their training and the procedures designed to protect lives and ensure public safety.

We Honor These Deputies

Today, as we honor these deputies, we remember the reality of our work. Our decisions can have significant impacts, and situations require us to act swiftly and decisively. Deputies Davis and Breijak’s actions reflect their commitment to their roles and the responsibilities of those who take the oath “to protect and serve the community.”

To Deputies Davis and Breijak, we express our collective appreciation for your professionalism and calm under pressure. Your actions remind us of our critical work and the importance of our training and protocols. We present you both with the 2024 Police Officer of the Year Award.