POAM News: Page 4

April Letter from POAM President Tignanelli

Current Factors in Today’s Law Enforcement & Annual Convention Updates Few would argue that there have been worse times to serve in law enforcement than have been experienced over the past 3...

Former President Trump Thanks the POAM

Trump Replies to POAM Donald Trump has a tremendous amount of support for our homeland security and his support of law enforcement, our borders, and our military has never wavered. We sent a brief not...

February 2022 Updates from President Tignanelli

2022 Updates on the Horizon POAM President Jim Tignanelli shares important updates regarding 2022 updates on the horizon, including legislative, Police Week in D.C., and Annual Convention in Grand Rap...

Register for Our Upcoming Regional Seminar

2022 POAM Regional Seminar Join us for our 2022 POAM Regional Seminar sponsored by the Marquette County Deputy Sheriff’s Association. Space is limited, so please let us know you are coming! Ther...

Blue Lives Find Its George Floyd

Ella French is our George Floyd With the climate in the world today, it’s increasingly hard to find opinions with amplification that speak on behalf of law enforcement. Defund them, but come whe...


Policeman A Policeman is a composite of what all men are, the mingling of a saint and sinner, dust and deity. Gulled statistics wave the fan over the stinkers, underscore instances of dishonesty and b...