Law Enforcement Legislative Updates: Page 9

Michigan Budget Vetoes Bring Unpleasant News

Road Patrol Budget Vetoes A Message From Kenneth E. Grabowski, POAM’s Legislative Director: This week, Governor Gretchen Whitmer used her executive authority to line-item veto 147 state budget i...

July 2019 POAM Washington Report

July POAM Washington Update Report Budget and appropriations negotiations have been ongoing in Washington, with the deadline of September 30th beginning to loom soon after the approaching August reces...

Legislative Report – Kenneth E Grabowski

POAM Legislative Report – May 2019 At the 2019 annual POAM convention, a panel discussion was held to provide an update on OPEB and pensions discussions, including providing a legislative update...

September 2018 POAM Washington Report

September Washington Report In September, Congressional Leaders continued to work on a number of ‘must-pass bills’ as deadlines approach. The Senate passed legislation that would authorize the Fed...

March 2018 POAM Washington Report

The House and Senate passed a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending measure that would boost funding for defense and domestic programs early in the morning on Friday, March 23rd, almost 24 hours before the d...

January 2018 POAM Washington Report

In January, the U.S. House and Senate returned from their weeklong holiday recess. The two Chambers finished negotiations and passed a final version of tax reform legislation on Friday, December 22, j...

Final OPEB Bills Published

The final OPEB bills have been published! After a long, arduous and hard-fought battle the Governor’s Task Force recommendations as they related to our pensions and more were finally negotiated ...