Law Enforcement Legislative Updates: Page 7

POAM Endorses 2020 Candidate For U.S. Senator

John James Endorsement for U.S. Senator The Police Officers Association of Michigan proudly announces our John James endorsement for United States Senator for Michigan. Read our letter below. Dear Mr....

September 2020 POAM Washington, D.C. Report

September 2020 Federal Update Read the latest federal update news from the September 2020 Federal Update Report from Washington, D.C. Legislative Priorities A number of legislative priorities remain o...

July 2020 POAM Washington, D.C. Report

POAM Federal Update Read the latest federal update news from this month’s Washington, D.C. report. Federal Policing Reform Bills Both chambers of Congress held votes during the week of June 22 o...

View the House Resolution No. 277 Document

House Resolution No 277 State Representative Ryan Berman has offered a resolution discouraging local units of government from defunding or abolishing their local police departments in the House Resol...