Law Enforcement Legislative Updates: Page 11

Urgent: Legislative Update from POAM

We support the recommendations of the Governor’s task force report on Responsible Retirement Reform which was issued in July. The recommendations were unanimously approved by ALL task force me...

November POAM Washington Report

In November, U.S. House Leadership unveiled their proposal to overhaul the U.S. tax code, a major legislative priority for Congressional Leaders and the White House. The House Ways and Means Committee...

Social Security “Fix” For Pensions

Many public safety professionals such as police and firefighters do not receive social security because the governmental entity they worked for opted out. As a result, police and firefighter retirees ...

Senate Bill 594: Call to Urge a No-Vote!

This legislation is authorization to create a private police force. These “private” law enforcement personnel can be hired by governments. There is no prohibition against eliminating an existing ...

September 2017 POAM Washington Report

Congress returned from its annual August recess on Monday, September 5, 2017. In the first week, President Trump and lawmakers reached agreement on a debt-limit and Hurricane Harvey aid package.