Blog: Page 72

Professional Police Training Courses

Professional Police Training, also known as PSTGP, LLC is holding three training courses in the upcoming summer months. These training events will focus on Legal Update and Review, Police Supervisor L...

Off-Duty Detroit Cop Shoots Armed Robber

An off-duty officer was talking on the phone just outside of the pharmacy where he worked part-time when a man aggressively approached him and demanded that he give him the phone. The officer refused,...

POAM Meets the Members of U.S. Congress

POAM Legislative Director Kenneth E. Grabowski and President Jim Tignanelli travelled to Washington D.C. and discussed important law enforcement issues with Candice Miller, Kerry Bentivolio and other ...

Emergency Action on House Bill 5097!

You must communicate with your Michigan State Representative immediately! For the past two years, your POAM Legislative Team has worked relentlessly to correct PA 54, which among other things, freezes...

POAM January/March Washington Update

In January, the U.S. Congress struck a deal to avert another federal government shutdown by passing an omnibus appropriations bill that will provide funding for federal government agencies through Sep...

Former POAM Leader Passes Away

Previous President and Board Member William Powell passed away on February 19th at his home in Florida. “Bill” served our organization for many years as an active police officer and even a...