Blog: Page 112

Despite Tough Times, POAM Remains Confident

by Jim Tignanelli It has been awhile since we last spoke and it has been an eventful year here at the POAM. Our gathering at the Tune Inn in Washington, D.C. during Police Week in May was an exception...

Tales From the Trenches

By Dave LaMontaine During a recent conversation between Executive Director Orlowski and myself, we were lamenting the lack of interest of deputy sheriffs’ in politics. I had previously discussed...

What to Say and Do When Injured on the Job

Most disputed workers’ compensation cases have one or more problems in common. You can minimize those problems by following certain rules when injured at work. This article offers essential advi...

The Legislative Director’s Chair Spring 2010

by Kenneth E. Grabowski On February 24, 2010 the POAM Executive Board held a legislative reception in downtown Lansing at Troppo restaurant.  Turnout of legislators was impressive.  All legislators ...